Our Events
At Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, we believe a healthy community is an active community.
Take a look at our many opportunities to participate in social events and to take part in learning and growing together.

Service Times
Saturday 10:30am Prayer - Worship
Biblical Message
Fellowship Time with
coffee and light snacks

Weeknight Bible Study
March through October:
1st Tuesday - Men's Bible Study - 5:00 pm
2nd Tuesday - Women's Dinner & Bible Study - 4:30 pm
All other Tuesdays - Group Bible Study - 5:00 pm

Women's Ministry
Our Ladies gather together on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm for a meal, followed by a time of Bible study, testimonies, fellowship, and prayer. Visitors are happily welcomed. Call 860-628-1733 for details.

Men's Ministry
The men of The Lighthouse gather together to study God's Word on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Additionally, the men are devoted to planning and preparing church-wide picnics and in caring for the physical needs of our congregation. Call 860-628-1733 or 203-443-0308 for details.